Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PS3 Eye

This Webcam is commonly used to create a DIY multi-touch display.
Thus, I believe it to be a good camera for my project.

Before the cam can be used for tracking, the IR blocking filter needs to be removed.
AFAIK, a filter to block standard light can be attached afterwards so that the IR light is enhanced.
This might result in better tracking result... here is why:
When you illuminate the eye with IR light and observe it through an IR sensitive camera with a visible light filter, the iris of the eye turns completely white and the pupil stands out as a high-contrast black dot. This makes tracking the eye much easier.
from http://www.instructables.com/id/The-EyeWriter/step8/Lite-it-up/

Here are some random links I found during my search:
Before the cam can be used for tracking, a lens with a shorter focal length (8mm) needs to be used (why exactly??). ITU uses a standard off-the-shelf webcam without any modifications. Probably, this modification is just extra... However, what to I do now?? Buy a cam, such aus the one the ITU guys use, or use the hacked PS3 Eye??

I think this depends on my final choice... probably.
EyeWriter = PS3 cam and ITU = standard cam

      1 comment:

      1. Hey mate,

        This might help you ive created a blog about my experiences with the eyewriter so far

