- Interaction becomes more human by using multimodal input devices (detecting mimic, voice or eye state and analyzing it according to human emotions)
- Multimodal input gains popularity in the early 1990sVarious definitions for multimodality
- "... process combined input modes in a coordinated manner..." (interaction manager)
- How can multimodality and multimediality be separated?cf. Nigay u. Coutaz 1993: Multimodality implies information processing on a higher abstraction layer: „... multimodality is the capacity of the system to communicate with a user along different types of communication channels and to extract and convey meaning automatically. We observe that both multimedia and multimodal systems use multiple communication channels. But in addition, a multimodal system is able to automatically model the content of the information at a high level of abstraction. A multimodal system strives for meaning.“
- W3c standard for multimodal applications/browser (in progress) (Candell & Raggett) (EMMA: Extensible MultiModal Annotation Language => I should read about that a bit)
- Larson 2006: Common Sense Recommendations for designing multimodal user interfaces
- Satisfy Real-world Constraints
- Communicate Clearly, Concisely, and Consistently with Users
- Help Users Recover Quickly and Efficiently from Errors
- Make Users Comfortable
- Do not overload user with too many modalities, e.g. display and read text simultaneuosly; see ~Little's Law: The more WIP the longer the time to process something, i.e. the users receives more information (WIP) and therefore needs longer to make a decision.
- Question: In how far can eye gaze used intentionally? I look unintentionally (natural function of eyes)... but can I use gaze gestures intentionally?
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