Friday, July 16, 2010

Some captures from my first trials with my eye tracker

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ITU Gaze Tracker

Eye Writer Tracking Software

Calibration with ITU Software

Calibration in EyeWriter Software

Eye Tracking Game

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Eye tracking game: Summary from theo tveteras on Vimeo.

I don't believe that this works as shown in the video!!
These people are wildly moving their heads and bodies... how is exact eye tacking possible under these conditions?

I did neither find a link on how to assemble this nor a link to the software they are using

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Built my first Eye Tracker

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This is it!! I've built my own eye tracker and I think I can be satisfied with the first try. I was able to remove the IR filter from to PS Eye and add an IR bandpass. I was also able to install the two IR LEDs and power them with two 1,5V batteries. With a twisted aluminum wire, I could mount the tracker to a pair of 1€ sunglasses.

I did testruns with this construction with ITU GazeTracker and the EyeWriter tracking software.
Both showed favourable results.
I could already use my eyes controlling a pointer in both softwares. However it was not that accurate, perhaps caused by my "temporal" eye tracker constuction.
Accuracy was better with ITU tracker, in my opinion.
TODO: Improve accuracy, either with better eye tracker or optimizing the software.

I found out that the EyeWriter software does not do any glint tracking, but only pupil tracking.
The glint tracking on the ITU software seems to require for brighter IR LEDs as sometimes, the tracking was poor.

Another problem, I encountered is that the glasses are black, which may sometimes disturb the tracker from my pupils. 
TODO: Use differently colored glasses or use a colored tape on my current ones

One problem occured because of the human anatomy: there is a huge vein running next to my eyes. Wearing the sunglasses tightly on my skin causes them to bounce, beacuse the vein gives an impulse everytime my heart beats.
TODO: Find sth. I can use for cushoning

All in all, I think these are good results for a first try.
Looking forward wrking on this interesting topic on Tuesday!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Building my own Eye Tracker

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TODO: Include pix and a step-by-step description

Trying to get the PS Eye to work:
Having sucessfully installed the driver on Windows7 (x86), I started the test application to see if the PS Cam is working.

However, I still don't get 60fps @ 640... what's the problem?

Problem after removing the IR Filter: the focal distace is a bit shorter => cam cannot focus on near objects
    Solution: Shorten the mount with sand paper!!

Hacking the PS Eye after the jump...